Sunday, March 22, 2009

Reality vs. plan report, March 22

Given that I finished all the clean-up the night before, the early morning was quite lazy: we got up, I made some "grenki" (dense white french bread baguette, sliced and fried in eggs), added granola and cottage cheese to the table, and we all had lazy breakfast. We talked, we played, and then we had our first guests - from the Russian group, four kids in total, with their parents. We read a few stories, we played, but didn't get a chance to play a game outside (I thought it was too slippery after the rain), maybe next time. Then we had lunch, watched Shrek (we were too lazy to do anything else), had a nap, woke up just in time for the next set of guests, played with them, after the guests we listened to some music, had dinner, and it was basically time for bed. Nothing extraordinary.

In one word, lazy. It's good to have such days, given how busy with activity and travel most of our weekends are. It's good, occasionally, to recharge.

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